Monday, August 13, 2018

A Change In Seasons

   As I've sat here in bed getting over what has been a really bad case of walking pneumonia, the flu & and ear infection, I have reflected greatly on this past year. I turn twenty in less than two weeks and I feel like this year has been such a big year of change. At the beginning of the year I came home from a school that I was sure I would spend all four years at, just to finish the semester online. I will admit I struggled heavily at the beginning of that second semester of sophomore year. I was depressed and living in a very negative state of mind. I felt alone, ashamed and broken and I was not very happy with the way I was living. With all that being said, I decided moving home and finishing the semester online was my best option.
  Coming home was different, because I was used to living with 3 girls in a two bedroom apartment and I came home to living with my parents and my little brother. I was not sure how being home would differ from being at school, but much to my surprise I kind of liked it a little more. I grew up very close to my family and being away from them was always very difficult for me. Sure, it came with a few more ground rules, but it was better living situation for me.
 Another thing I learned was that it was okay not to know what you want to do. Yes you heard that right! I am a history education major & a junior in college and I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew I called to ministry and I know that is part of where I will be, but where I will be in ministry is what I was confused about. After an abundance of prayer, I felt led to teach in inner-city schools and work at an inner city church. As terrified as I am about this call upon my life, I know God has his hands over this call and my future and he is going to do great works within me and through me.
  Lastly, I am rather terrified, because I start at a new school a week from today. I am not gonna lie, it has been super challenging for me to see all my friends moving back to school and having the time of their lives away from home. However, I know I am doing what God has placed upon my life & what he has called me to do. I am scared about entering a new campus and starting a new life in a new place, but I am so incredibly excited about what is to come for me!
  I think I have mentioned it before, but this year God placed the word "change" on my heart, and boy was I in for it when I asked him what he meant. I have grown in more ways than one, I have allowed him to shape and grow my faith, he has taken me on exciting adventures and truly allowed me to blossom wherever he plants me. I am so incredibly blessed to see myself grow, mature, and move the way I have in just eight short months. He has challenged me to reach new heights and taught me what it really means to embody him and radiate Christ wherever I go. So in this season of change, I am incredibly grateful. Grateful for twenty amazing years.

“Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them” (1 Corinthians 7:17).

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