Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Struggle with being "Content"

    This is something that has really been on my mind lately. Why is it that we are so okay with our lives, or as we call it now, being content? This applies to all areas of life. It could be relationships, school, or your walk with Christ. I am going to expand my opinions on all of these in the next couple of paragraphs. I am sorry if you do not agree with me, but these are going to be the reasons I stand upon for the rest of time.

   Why are we so content with our relationships? I know something many girls struggle with is settling for guys that are not good enough for them. We settle because we want to be in a relationship so badly that we lower our standards. THIS IS SO WRONG, LADIES!! Please, never settle for anything less than extraordinary. A few weeks ago, I found myself writing a letter to my future husband. I feel like this is something all girls around my age could do. This not only helps you set standards, but it allows you to see what you truly want in a future husband. I know that I want someone that can be a spiritual leader. I want him to be able to keep me on my feet when I am struggling in my walk. I want him to be able to pray, fast, and get into the word with me. God wants that for you as well. If you do not believe me, go ahead and check out 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Stop being so content in a relationship and stop settling for anything less than Godly.

   School is a difficult topic I think for everyone and it is a subject that I know most students try to avoid. We are content with doing the bare minimum in school and we should not be. I know in high school I was constantly beating myself up because I did not do as well as I hoped on tests, quizzes, and projects. I did not figure out until college that I was not doing well not because of my lack of study habits, but because I was aiming so low. Why shoot for an A in a class when you could shoot for all A’s? Not only grades, but extracurriculars as well. I know my freshman year of college I was constantly in the books and not enjoying myself at all. Yes, studying is important, but it is also important to balance that with having fun! This year I have all A's, I am involved in a club, and I have a job. I find myself enjoying the college life a lot more than I was last year. Stop being afraid to go outside your comfort zone, because sometimes God is calling you out of it!

   Lastly, and most importantly, your walk with God. This is something I know that so many teens/early adults are constantly being content in. We go to church, pray sometimes, and read the bible once every few days. Yes, I know you're busy, but if you do not carve out this daily time with God then you are going to find yourself a lot less happy. People are constantly stuck on not being able to make decisions, and I hate to break it to them, but you are never going to find them at a party, or laying around being upset about it. You find them in prayer, and in the word. I learned this in a very hard way in early high school, but if you stay content in your walk with God, you will NEVER be fully satisfied with your life. God calls us to move in our relationship with him, and no one’s walk with Christ will ever be "good enough" or 'perfect." Something I have learned over the years is you should NEVER be satisfied when it comes to your walk with the Lord. Every day we should want to know more, or want to draw closer to him. It is really a craving that you should have every morning that you wake up, and every night you go to sleep. Stop being satisfied and content in your relationship with him, because you will end up hurting yourself and your happiness will fade. I believe young adults struggle with this so much, because we find ourselves so busy, or lonely, or angry and we could even find ourselves this way with God. It is hard not knowing all the answers to all the questions we have, but is that not the point of wanting more of him? We want those answers to those questions so we should have a desire to stop standing still and move towards him.

  I will end with this:

Stop being so content and start moving towards a better future and life for yourself, because we are not called to stand still. However, we ARE called to MOVE!


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